Monday, 7 January 2013

Most secure Lock | Locks too secure? | Locksmith Blog

I recently read an article written by Ricks Locksmith in Wolverhampton and how the local housing association managing that area have stopped fitting high security locks to the doors they service.

This was due to the carpenters and handmen responsible for the out of hours service for lock outs and lock changes not being able to open them sufficiently.

What used to be simple lock jobs were now drawn out battles with what sound like very secure doors with all the optional extras.

The question was asked on their blog: Can a door be too secure?

I recently attended a job where an elderly woman was locked out in Sheffield from her apartment on the third floor of the building due to someone messing with her lock.

She had recently purchased a new secured by design door with letterbox guard, anti-snap cylinder made by Yale and secured by design door handles.

The lock seemed to have had something pushed inside it but i was unable to fish anything out of the lock.

Can a door be too secure?

In this scenario.. YES!

What followed was pretty much professional lock butchering, removing the handles and drilling the cylinder was tough work, much tougher than it needs to be!

Its great to see locks evolving to be more secure with new designs to combat the latest flaws in security, however it might be time for a rethink to make these locks more managable for professionals with the correct tools as opposed to manufacturing invincible door setups that keep everyone out.

Thanks for reading

Locksmith Sheffield | 07917-421-482

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